Vulcanair P68 Observer: New light aircraft complements our company fleet
A Vulcanair P68 Observer was recently added to the company fleet of X2E Aerospace Technologies GmbH. The P68 will be used for test flights in the future.
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A Vulcanair P68 Observer was recently added to the company fleet of X2E Aerospace Technologies GmbH. The P68 will be used for test flights in the future.
X2E Aerospace Technologies GmbH opens a new location in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. Today, the symbolic handover of the keys took place at the Center for Future Technologies (ZfZ).
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X2E Aerospace Technologies develops and produces embedded systems for aviation applications. These are used in areas such as climate-neutral and efficient drive concepts, urban air mobility (UAM), unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and data logging. As a development partner, X2E Aerospace Technologies GmbH also supports original equipment manufacturers and system suppliers in the aerospace industry with customized engineering and manufacturing services.
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